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Impulse against metal corrosion

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  • Impulse against metal corrosion

    Impuls protiv korozije metala


    Capacitive coupling and the corrosion process

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    Rust, like fire, is produced by a chemical reaction known as oxidation. In the oxidation process metal combines with oxygen to form rust or corrosion. In a fire the oxidation process (a substance combining with oxygen) happens much quicker so essentially metal objects when exposed to the Earth's atmosphere are doing a slow burn.

    Opposites attract and likes repel and in chemical reactions oxygen tends to have a negative charge and thus seeks to combine with positively charged particles whether metallic or otherwise.

    CounterAct slows this reaction and thus minimizes the age old menace of rust. CounterAct rust protection employs a principle of electrochemistry to slow the oxidation process," that a polarizing force applied to the double layer of charge that forms adjacent to a reacting electrode surface during the course of a corrosion reaction can decrease the rate of charge transport across the double layer, which can result in a reduction of the overall reaction rate."

    At a charged surface a layer of oppositely charged particles tends to accumulate parallel to the surface charge so that if the surface of a metal body is being charged negatively (as in the case of the CounterAct method) a positive charge accumulates adjacent to the negative surface charge.

    This is a well known phenomenon which actually presents a problem for analytical chemists as particles in solution essentially are presented with a barrier in the form of the double layer and prevented from reaching a reference electrode. This property therefore serves to create understated values for the particle's actual concentrations.

    CounterAct employs capacitive coupling utilizing our capacitive coupler pads as the positive half of a capacitor in which the paint on a metal body being protected serves as the dielectric insulator between our capacitive coupler and the metal body which essentially becomes the negative half of the capacitor and receives the negative electrostatic surface charge and its corrosion protection benefits

    CounterAct's capacitive couplers act like the positive half of a capacitor allowing the metal surface of your vehicle to become the negative half. The couplers attach with a peel and stick aircraft grade adhesive.

    What this means in laymen's terms is this :

    A metal surface tends to have a positive electrical charge in an area where rust is occurring ( the surface becomes a positively charged electrode with a reacting surface).

    Through CounterAct's patented and proprietary process of capacitive coupling, a pulsed measured negative charge is capacitively induced on the metal surface. In employing our exclusive capacitive coupling technique, CounterAct uses state of the art "smart technology" to deliver this pulsed electrostatic charge to the metal surface and create a powerful enough varying electrostatic field to create a periodic inversion in the normal polarization of this double layer.

    CounterAct applies this polarizing force (giving the metal surface a negative electrostatic surface charge rather than a positive charge)and in turn creating an off-setting positive layer of charge off the metal surface in an adjacent area. Thus exactly reversing the normal expected arrangement of the electrical double layer. This inversion of the double layer serves to greatly reduce the rate of oxygen transport to the metal surface and thus also greatly reduce the rate of corrosion as evidenced by our history of rigorous laboratory and field tests.

    CounterAct Electronic Rust Protection and Paint Chips

    Given that an electrolyte has dielectric properties, the electrostatic field between D0 and D1 is greater than the field between D0 and Df1. It follows that because of the increased negative surface charge on the metal that the polarization and positive charge concentration is greater adjacent to the metal electrode surface D0 than at the surface of the paint coating Df0.

    Should a paint chip occur exposing bare metal on a protected vehicle or structure, the nature of our electrostatic corrosion control devices affords protection to the exposed metal in the body.

    Although the dielectric insulating properties of the paint are absent in a paint chip or holiday what tends to occur is a very light oxide layer forms and stabilizes on the exposed metal and together with any electrolyte present serves in lieu of the paint as the dielectric. (Remember there are no perfect conductors nor perfect insulators so an electrolyte does exhibit both of these properties)

    As this layer is much thinner than the adjacent paint, capacitance is increased at the chip site and thus the negative surface charge is enhanced as well.

    Thus paint chips will "skin over forming a bandage" and are protected as well.

    Essentially The CounterAct process applies stronger electrostatic negative charge and thus more corrosion protection to gaps or chips in the painted surface than on the continuous painted surface. Just where it is needed most.

    Not only is the negative electrostatic surface charge greater in these areas but the corresponding adjacent positive charge layer of the double layer is drawn closer as well. (see above illustration) As this happens an area is created outside the positive layer that is relatively deficient in positively charged particles. By diffusion then, the positive layer of particles tends to bleed off to this area above the metal body creating further interference and an additional barrier to the oxygen transport process.

    Additionally as well as protecting paint chips with more charge, it is common knowledge that an electrostatic charge will concentrate to a greater extent on sharp edges and angles rather than flat surfaces, again delivering the most protection to the area's that need it most. ( For those of you who are "electronically inclined" simply visualize how the charge vectors must reside to see why this is so)

    Remember opposite attract and likes repel and in chemical reactions oxygen tends to a negative charge and thus seeks to combine with positively charged particles whether metallic or otherwise.

    The Corrosion Reaction rate is slowed by the applied electrostatic field !!!